Flip, soar, and rise together: champions in the gym, champions in life

Gymnastics is a rewarding sport that teaches both skills in the gym and in life. We pride ourselves on a positive environment that will stretch and develop your budding gymnast to be the best


Have questions? We’ve addressed some of the most common ones here. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, please contact us – we’re here to help!

Joining Us

Yes! For all new gymnasts looking to try out our recreational sessions we offer a complimentary trial hour. You can book a taster session here.

Yes, whilst our payment schedule is monthly you are welcome to join us at any time subject to class availability.

Membership & Payments

Our fee’s are based on the full year excluding our usual closures and split into 12 equal instalments. Members are notified well in advance of any closures.

Our recreational fee’s start at £24 per month, which cover a one hour session per week.

All other squads are by invitation and fee’s will be communicated on invites.

Subscriptions are paid by direct debit via our club management software and go out on the 1st of the month. Your welcome pack will detail all the required information..

New Gymnasts will need to pay a £15 one time registration fee on joining the club. From September 2024 – all gymnasts will need to purchase annual British Gymnastics insurance.

Your fee is an upfront payment for the full month, and not on a per class basis. Once paid they are non-refundable. Continuous payment is required to retain your membership.

We understand at times your child might be advised not to take part for an extended period due to an injury. We operate a fair payment policy that retains the gymnasts place and a reasonable adjustment to your payments.

First Month of any injury: Full Payment is still required.

Second and any subsequent month: A 20% reduction in monthly subscription can be requested and applied.

It is your duty to inform us that the gymnast is unable to attend for an extended period. If a payment plan is simply cancelled, we will assume the gymnast has left the club and the place will not be held.

If a Gymnast is injured and still attends to perform selected equipment or reduced hours, no reduction in the monthly subscription is applicable. We will require written consent from the parent of what tasks should be undertaken and how long the adjustment is required for.

Coaching & Sessions

Yes, all of our leading coaches are qualified to British Gymnastics standards. We have a number of coaches in training, as well as squad gymnasts who assist in the running of recreational sessions under the guidance of a qualified coach

The club expects all gymnasts to be dressed appropriately for training:
No clothing with zips, buckles or buttons etc.
No jewellery
Long hair tied back
Fitted shorts/leggings
No crop tops
Bare feet

Yes, we are in the priviledged position to have a viewing area for parents and family to watch the sessions. We do ask that the viewing area is kept clean and tidy, and that nothing distracts the gymnasts during training.

We run our classes all year round

We are closed on Bank Holidays, and for a short period at Christmas. We reserve the right to close for a week in the summer to give our coaches a well deserved rest!

We run fun camps during the school holidays. These will advertised on the website and in the club well in advance. The fee’s for these sessions are not included in your regular monthly payment.

The offering of places in our squads or additional classes is at the discretion of the coaches. Squad gymnasts will be expected to maintain a high level of attendance and commitment, and will be required to purchase additional equipment including club clothing in order to represent the club at competitions.

Parents & Tots

Parents and tots is an uncoached explore and play session. Parents explore equipment and soft play with the children.

The session is dedicated to ages 0-5 and we need to ensure it’s a safe, friendly environment for this age group. Therefore no-one outside the age limit will be allowed to attend the session.

Contacts & Other Info

Gymnastics is a very safe sport when taught correctly. Our coaches will ensure your child’s welfare is paramount and will not push any skills above what they are capable of doing. 

Please talk to your gymnasts coach or another member of staff. You can email the coaching team via our main email info@spaldinggymnastics.co.uk

We are a community club and run by a committee – You can find their details on our contacts page.

We are always on the look out for local support and assistance. Please speak to us if you feel you can offer any help or support.

We take welfare issues very seriously. Our welfare officer details can be found on the notice board at the gym, and our welfare officer email address is welfare@spaldinggymnastics.co.uk